Getting a Mortgage has never been more difficult in today’s marketplace. And there are lots of reasons why. Rising interest rates, greater government intervention and regulation, and stricter income-based underwriting guidelines makes the process nothing like you’ve experienced. So, if you have not had to qualify for a mortgage in the last 5 years, you need someone in your corner to advocate your application and champion your cause!
Just as you would defer to your Financial Advisor or Insurance Broker, you need a Mortgage Professional to guide you through the complicated qualifying process and organize you for success.
Michael James has over 15 years as a professional Mortgage Broker and he will open doors that may be closed to you because of changing rates and legislation.
Looking to buy your first home?
You need someone who knows the ins and outs to help you make this happen and ensure success in your process.
Looking to buy another home?
You need to know your parameters for what you can afford, what a lender will lend you, and the right product for your needs.
Looking to refinance and keep your home?
You need to have someone who will go to bat for you to get you the best terms and solutions.
Most people hate their mortgage, so putting mortgage and love in the same sentence isn’t popular. But Michael James is a different kind of Mortgage Broker. Most of the “Big 6 Banks” offer mortgages that have high complicated penalties if you want to get out of them. Learn how to mitigate this risk. Michael is free to shop around with over 30 different lenders to find the best solution for you. You deserve better rates and lower penalties – that’s why his clients love his mortgage solutions. So, what are you waiting for? Call Michael James today at 778-385-5503
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